Intuition is a wonderful wisdom of life. We were so curious to learn more about this topic as led by Coach Benny this night. The curiosity, which also came from our intuition, had enabled us to discover the following interesting and inspiring concepts of this wisdom.
Intuition can be categorized into two different major forms. One is the messages we can directly perceive as we interact with the external environment that stimulates our senses. Another one is induced by our inner world, which is often a result of our sharp awareness. Sometimes, we may receive some “hints” from our mind or our bodies that something is going to happen or we should make certain decisions of an issue. This is our inner awareness that allows us to acknowledge things through intuition instead of logical reasoning.
However, we need to be conscious on the differences between “Intuition” & “Illusion” which is a tricky area that we may have experienced. In brief, intuition is our instinctive knowing. It is the knowledge based on insight rather than on reasoning, yet it is not arisen in a vacuum or fascination. Illusion, on the contrary, is the falsify fabrication that misleads us. To distinguish the two, we need to be courageous and truthful in facing our authentic self.
Then how could we cultivate our intuition that empowers us to explore the unknown? Some suggestions were brainstormed tonight:
· Have regular meditation practices (can be in any form such as yoga and yen) which enhances our inner awareness;
· Consciously use our gut. Apart from breathing with chest, try to breathe with our abdomen everyday. When we interact with people or confront an issue, try focusing our energy in the abdomen area and sense what message it gives us;
· Go with the nature. Simply explode ourselves in sunshine, waterfall, grassland…and let the universe teaches us;
· Engage in regular exercise, our body movement stimulates our instinctive knowing and
· Last but not least, be true to and trust ourselves.
Using effectively in coaching, intuition can assist us to build better rapport and have deeper understanding with our clients. As a coach, how would you make the best use of your intuition to support the coachee? And how would you check if your intuition is valid?
国际专业教练协会深圳分会International Association of Coaching Shenzhen Chapter简称 IACSZ 于2007年11月17日正式成立,是国际专业教练协会首次在中国成立的分会,由张永辉教练与一群义务的专业教练合作创立,同时张永辉教练担任分会主席,成立目的为了令更多人正确地认识教练学,维持高专业水平,规范专业教练行业,将教练学推广给各大学、教育及专业机构,促进教练学达致国际水平为责任,支持人提升个人发展、效能及潜质,成为创意与诚信的领袖。